is a package that employs a fully Bayesian
hierarchical framework for modeling under the presence of unmeasured
confounders using JAGS (Just Another Gibbs Sampler). The package handles
both internal and external validation scenarios for up to two unmeasured
confounders. Bayesian data analysis can be summarized in the following
four steps: specifying the data model and prior, estimating model
parameters, evaluating sampling quality and model fit, and summarizing
and interpreting results. For users new to Markov Chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) software who wish to implement models involving unmeasured
confounding, challenges arise in regard to understanding the syntax and
how these programs handle missing data. The primary objective of
is to address these challenges by creating a
function that resembles glm()
on the front end, while
seamlessly implementing the necessary JAGS code on the back end.
Functions are implemented to simplify the workflow using this model by
acquiring data, modeling data, conducting diagnostics testing on the
model, and analyzing results. With this package, users can perform
robust fully Bayesian analyses, even without previous familiarity with
JAGS syntax or data processing intricacies.
For the statistical model, we denote the continuous or discrete outcome as \(Y\), the dichotomous main exposure variable as \(X\), the \(p \times 1\) vector of perfectly observed covariates relating to both \(Y\) and \(X\) is denoted \(C\), and the unmeasured confounder(s) relating to both \(Y\) and \(X\) are denoted \(U_j, j = 1, 2\). These unmeasured confounders can be either binary or normally distributed. Consider the case where \(j = 2\). Then,
\[\begin{equation} \begin{split} y|x, u, z & \sim D_y(g^{-1}({\beta}'\textbf{C} + {\lambda}'\textbf{U}), \xi_y) \\ u_1|x, z & \sim D_{u_1}(g^{-1}({\gamma}'\textbf{C} + \zeta U_2), \xi_{u_1}) \\ u_2|x, z & \sim D_{u_2}(g^{-1}({\delta}'\textbf{C}), \xi_{u_2}), \end{split} \end{equation}\]where denotes the design matrix comprised of the main exposure
variable, \(X\), and all of the
perfectly observed covariates. This model is completed by the
specification of a link function, \(g\), for some distribution, \(D\). Additional parameters for certain
distributions are denoted by \(\xi_y\)
and \(\xi_u\). Examples of these would
be \(\sigma^2\) for the variance of a
normal distribution or \(\alpha\) for
the shape parameter in the gamma distribution. unmconf
allows for the user to work with a response from the normal, Poisson,
gamma, or binomial distribution and unmeasured confounder(s) from the
normal or binomial distribution. The package supports identity (normal),
log (Poisson or gamma), and logit (Bernoulli) link functions.
Prior distributions for the model parameters will be jointly defined as \({\pi}({\theta})\), where \(\theta = (\beta, \lambda, \gamma, \zeta, \delta)\). The default prior structure is weakly informative. When the response is binary or Poisson, the regression coefficients have a normal prior with a mean of 0 and precision of 0.1. When the response is either normal or gamma, the regression coefficients have a normal prior with a mean of 0 and precision of 0.001. Depending on the family specified for the response and/or unmeasured confounder(s), nuisance parameters may be present and, thus, will also require a prior distribution. The precision for a normal response or normal unmeasured confounder will have a half Student’s t-distribution with 3 degrees of freedom as the prior. The nuisance parameter, \(\alpha_y\), for a gamma response has a gamma distribution as the prior with both scale and rate set to 0.1. The aforementioned nuisance parameters are tracked and posterior summaries are provided as a default setting in the package, but this can be modified.
The function runm()
is used to generate the data. In the
workflow of this package, this function is not required to use if one
wishes to analyze a data set of interest. The perfectly measured
covariates and unmeasured confounder(s) are generated independently of
one another. The user can specify these variables’ families and their
respective distributions as named lists in runm()
. Then,
the data frame will be generated using the named vector of response
model coefficients, \(\boldsymbol{\beta}_R\), and treatment model
coefficients, \(\boldsymbol{\beta}_T\),
that the user provides in the function. runm()
will model
the following:
where is a design matrix consisting of perfectly measured covariates and unmeasured confounder(s) and is a design matrix of the treatment, covariates, and unmeasured confounder(s).
All arguments in runm()
have a default value assigned
other than \(n\). So, in its simplest
form, one can generate a data set consisting of 100 observations by
calling runm(100)
. The default arguments can be customized
to the user’s preference if there is a desired data generation
structure. A more detailed example is below, assigned df
and will be the data frame used throughout the remainder of this
vignette. When the validation type is internal (default), the data will
first be generated from some sample size n
. Then, the
proportion in missing_prop
will set that percentage of the
unmeasured confounder’s observations to NA
df <-
runm(n = 100,
type = "int",
missing_prop = .75,
covariate_fam_list = list("norm", "bin", "norm"),
covariate_param_list = list(c(mean = 0, sd = 1), c(.3), c(0, 2)),
unmeasured_fam_list = list("norm", "bin"),
unmeasured_param_list = list(c(mean = 0, sd = 1), c(.3)),
treatment_model_coefs =
c("int" = -1, "z1" = .4, "z2" = .5, "z3" = .4,
"u1" = .75, "u2" = .75),
response_model_coefs =
c("int" = -1, "z1" = .4, "z2" = .5, "z3" = .4,
"u1" = .75, "u2" = .75, "x" = .75),
response = "norm",
response_param = c("si_y" = 1))
rbind(head(df, 5), tail(df, 5))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#> z1 z2 z3 u1 u2 x y
#> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 0.554 0 -5.69 0.614 1 0 -2.97
#> 2 -0.280 1 3.43 0.413 0 0 -1.28
#> 3 1.78 1 -2.46 -0.459 1 0 -0.993
#> 4 0.187 0 -0.628 -0.673 0 0 -2.36
#> 5 1.14 0 -0.140 0.193 0 1 0.230
#> 6 -0.256 0 1.00 NA NA 0 0.527
#> 7 -1.23 0 -0.866 NA NA 0 -0.479
#> 8 0.214 1 -0.680 NA NA 0 -0.822
#> 9 0.0672 0 -4.11 NA NA 0 -2.92
#> 10 0.857 1 -0.360 NA NA 0 0.00750
For external validation, the sample size argument can be a vector of
length 2 to represent the number of observations in the main study data
and external validation data, respectively. The sample size argument can
also be of length 1, where the sample size will be split in half for the
two types of data (main study data will obtain the additional
observation if n
is odd). The main study data has the
unmeasured confounders completely missing for all observations. The
external data fully observes the unmeasured confounders but typically
has no reference on the exposure-unmeasured confounder relationship.
Thus, informative priors on the bias parameters for this relationship
are needed to achieve convergence. That is, in the above model, \(\gamma_X\) and \(\delta_X\).
If a user has a main study data set and an external validation data
set that are collected and separate from one another, they can be joined
together through dplyr::bind_rows()
. This function binds
the data sets by row and keeps all of the columns, even if the columns
do not match between data sets. Say that a researcher has a main study
data set with a binary outcome, a binary treatment, three perfectly
measured standard normal covariates, and two unmeasured confounders that
are completely missing. Further, say that the researcher also has an
external validation data set with the same outcome, two of the perfectly
measured covariates from the main study data, and the two unmeasured
confounders completely observed. If the third covariate that is missing
from the external validation data is deemed unimportant for modeling,
then one can still perform inference using this data. An example of this
scenario is below
# Main Study Data
M <- tibble::tibble(
"y" = rbinom(100, 1, .5),
"x" = rbinom(100, 1, .3),
"z1" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"z2" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"z3" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"u1" = NA,
"u2" = NA
# External Validation Data
EV <- tibble::tibble(
"y" = rbinom(100, 1, .5),
"z1" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"z2" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"u1" = rnorm(100, 0, 1),
"u2" = rnorm(100, 0, 1)
df_ext <- dplyr::bind_rows(M, EV) |>
dplyr::mutate(x = ifelse(is.na(x), 0, x))
rbind(head(df_ext, 5), tail(df_ext, 5))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 7
#> y x z1 z2 z3 u1 u2
#> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 0 1 0.761 -0.313 -0.952 NA NA
#> 2 1 0 -0.695 -0.942 -0.107 NA NA
#> 3 0 0 0.564 0.0399 -1.15 NA NA
#> 4 1 1 0.706 1.96 -0.744 NA NA
#> 5 1 0 0.418 -0.251 -0.0683 NA NA
#> 6 0 0 1.60 -0.232 NA 0.676 -0.584
#> 7 1 0 -1.41 -0.621 NA -2.38 0.700
#> 8 1 0 0.988 -0.214 NA -1.18 -0.206
#> 9 1 0 -0.561 -0.506 NA 0.474 -1.15
#> 10 1 0 0.448 0.930 NA -0.958 -0.533
The main focus of this vignette should be around
, which fits the posterior results of a
hierarchical model that accounts for unmeasured confounder(s) through
MCMC iterations. Upon acquiring all the relevant information, the
function carries out two main tasks. Initially,
it constructs a JAGS model and subsequently pre-processes the data for
utilization by JAGS. This simplifies the process of performing a fully
Bayesian analysis, as it spares users from the necessity of being
familiar with JAGS syntax for both the model and data processing. The
primary aim of the unmconf
package, akin to
and brms
, is to offer a user-friendly
interface for Bayesian analysis, utilizing programming techniques
familiar to R users. Users can input model information into
in a similar manner as they would for the
standard stats::glm()
function, providing arguments like
, family
, and data
The R language provides a straightforward syntax for denoting linear
models, typically written as response ~ terms
, where the
coefficients are implicitly represented. Like other R functions for
model fitting, users have the option to use the . - {vars}
syntax instead of listing all predictors. For instance, if the user
wants to model the first unmeasured confounder, smoking
given predictors age, weight, height,
, they can use either
form2 = smoking ~ age + weight + height + salary
form2 = smoking ~ . - {response varaible}
. To estimate the
unmeasured confounder(s), we often model them conditioned on some or all
of the perfectly measured covariates and the treatment. Once estimated,
these unmeasured confounder(s) become predictors in the higher stages of
the model structure. On the right-hand side of the ~
, we
define the linear combination of predictors that models the response
variable. Additionally, the predictors can include polynomial regression
(e.g.~ poly(z, 2)
) and interactive effects
To further customize the analysis, users can specify custom priors
using the priors argument within unm_glm()
. The format for
specifying custom priors is
c("\{parameter\}[\{covariate\}]" = "\{distribution\}")
. If
the user does not pre-specify informative prior distributions in the
function call, the default priors mentioned previously will be used on
the model parameters. Additionally, unm_glm()
also accepts
arguments that facilitate MCMC computation on the posterior distribution
to be passed to coda.samples
, such as such as
n.iter, n.adapt, thin,
and n.chains
. The
arguments specified have default values, but the user is encouraged to
supply their own values given the lack of convergence that is sometimes
observed when validation sample sizes are small or priors are
particularly diffuse.
For instance, consider the three-level hierarchical model from the
generated data set above, df
, with a normal response,
normal first unmeasured confounder, binary second unmeasured confounder,
and three perfectly observed covariates. Further, let’s say that,
through expert opinion, we have prior information that the effect on
\(y\) from \(u_1\), \(\lambda_{u_1}\), is normally distributed
with a mean of 0.5 and standard deviation of 1. JAGS parameterizes the
normal distribution with precision rather than standard deviation, so we
would use \(\tau_{u_1} = 1 / \sigma_{u_1}^2 =
1\) for the prior distribution \(\lambda_{u_1} \sim N(.5, \sigma_{u_1} =
.5)\). Using unm_glm()
, we fit:
We fit the three-level hierarchical model from the external
validation data set above, df_ext
. Suppose that we have
knowledge on the relationship between the treatment effect and both
unmeasured confounders through expert opinion, where each relationship
is normally distributed. JAGS parameterizes the normal distribution with
precision rather than standard deviation. So, from expert opinion, we
get the prior distributions \(\gamma_X \sim
N(1.1, 0.9)\) and \(\delta_X \sim
N(1.1, 4.5)\). Using unm_glm()
, we fit:
unm_mod_ext <-
unm_glm(y ~ x + z1 + z2 + u1 + u2, # y ~ . - z3,
u1 ~ x + z1 + z2 + u2, # u1 ~ . - y - z3,
u2 ~ x + z1 + z2, # u2 ~ . - y - u1 - z3,
family1 = binomial(),
family2 = gaussian(),
family3 = gaussian(),
priors = c("gamma[x]" = "dnorm(1.1, 0.9)",
"delta[x]" = "dnorm(1.1, 4.5)"),
n.iter = 4000, n.adapt = 2000, thin = 1,
data = df_ext)
By leveraging unm_glm()
, users can conveniently
implement complex Bayesian models, particularly those involving
unmeasured confounders, without grappling with the intricacies of JAGS
syntax or handling missing data. The three-stage Bayesian modeling
structure of unmconf
is currently set up to work with at
most two unmeasured confounders. Instances may arise where the user may
want to work with more than two unmeasured confounders. As an attempt to
resolve this concern, the user can explicitly call the JAGS code that
generates either through the argument
code_only = TRUE
in the function itself or through the
separate function, jags_code()
. With a starting point
created by the three-stage model, the user should be able to identify
the syntax for JAGS code and thus add the layer(s) to the hierarchical
structure and the respective prior distribution(s). Stopping at two
unmeasured confounders allows for the package to run with confidence in
the instance that individuals do not check for convergence and report
the results of a poor model. Below shows both ways to extract a model’s
JAGS code.
After the model is fit and before using the MCMC samples for
inference, it is necessary for users assess whether the chains have
converged appropriately. Hierarchical models with unmeasured confounding
are often confronted with convergence issues. To aid in chain
convergence, we heavily increased the burn-in length and MCMC iterations
from the default values of 1000 and 2000 in the function
to 6000 and 10000, respectively. Additional
checks include the posterior kernel density plots appearing relatively
smooth in shape and the trace, or history, plots of the chains should
have very similar values across the iterations (i.e., they “mix” well
and the chains intermingle).
The bayesplot
package provides a variety of
-based plotting functions for use after fitting
Bayesian models. bayesplot::mcmc_hist()
plots a histogram
of the MCMC draws from all chains, and
performs a trace plot of the
chains. Given that \(\beta_X\) is our
parameter of interest, we only displayed the density and trace plots of
this parameter below. The histogram appears smooth and without any
jaggedness. The trace plot appears to mix well, as one cannot
differentiate or identify patterns in the chains across the iterations
for this model. Thus, there is no lack of convergence evident here. All
parameters in the model upheld convergence standards.
Once the posterior samples have been computed, the
function returns an R object as a list of the
posterior samples, where the length of the list matches the number of
chains. Calling the returned object explicitly, in our example
, will output the model’s call and a named vector of
coefficients at each level of the multi-staged model. A more formal
model summary comes through unm_summary()
, which obtains
and prints a summary table of the results. Every parameter is summarized
by the mean of the posterior distribution along with its two-sided 95%
credible intervals based on quantiles. When generating a data set via
, adding the data
argument appends a
column to the summary table consisting of the true parameter values that
were assigned.
unm_summary(unm_mod, df) |>
#> # A tibble: 10 × 6
#> param true_value mean sd `2.5%` `97.5%`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 beta[1] NA -0.966 0.267 -1.49 -0.454
#> 2 beta[x] 0.75 0.976 0.418 0.155 1.81
#> 3 beta[z1] 0.4 0.517 0.206 0.121 0.927
#> 4 beta[z2] 0.5 0.240 0.385 -0.493 1.01
#> 5 beta[z3] 0.4 0.388 0.0958 0.196 0.572
#> 6 delta[1] NA -1.35 0.803 -3.09 0.104
#> 7 delta[x] NA 1.09 1.06 -0.982 3.21
#> 8 delta[z1] NA 0.348 0.598 -0.776 1.54
#> 9 delta[z2] NA 1.50 1.20 -0.711 4.06
#> 10 delta[z3] NA -0.523 0.260 -1.08 -0.0705
For model comparison, the deviance information criterion (DIC) and
penalized expected deviance are provided through unm_dic()
DIC, a Bayesian version of AIC, is calculated by adding the “effective
number of parameters” to the expected deviance and is computed through a
wrapper around rjags::dic_samples()
As mentioned above, unmeasured confounders can be considered as
parameters in the Bayesian paradigm and are therefore estimated when
performing MCMC. Yet, unm_summary()
does not track the
estimate of these “parameters” from the model fit. For this,
pairs with the original data set to impute
the missing values for the unmeasured confounders with the posterior
estimates. The ten observations below come from df
, where
five of the unmeasured confounders are observed and five are unobserved
in the internal validation data. Columns u1_observed
are logical variables added to the original
data frame to display which variables were originally observed versus
imputed. Additionally, the values of u1
and u2
that respectively have FALSE
in the previously mentioned
columns are the imputed posterior estimates.
unm_backfill(df, unm_mod)[16:25, ]
#> # A tibble: 10 × 9
#> z1 z2 z3 u1 u2 x y u1_observed u2_observed
#> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <lgl> <lgl>
#> 1 -0.194 0 -1.97 0.0284 0 0 -1.53 TRUE TRUE
#> 2 1.40 0 0.568 -0.706 1 1 1.42 TRUE TRUE
#> 3 0.101 0 0.0589 0.635 0 1 0.430 TRUE TRUE
#> 4 -0.114 1 1.60 1.17 0 1 1.40 TRUE TRUE
#> 5 0.702 0 -2.61 -0.308 1 0 0.189 TRUE TRUE
#> 6 0.263 0 5.54 -0.704 0 1 0.442 TRUE TRUE
#> 7 1.84 0 -0.691 -1.27 1 0 -0.174 TRUE TRUE
#> 8 0.357 1 2.01 0.0956 0 0 2.89 TRUE TRUE
#> 9 -1.05 1 5.63 -0.447 1 1 1.55 TRUE TRUE
#> 10 0.620 0 1.66 -1.71 1 1 1.37 TRUE TRUE
To visualize the results from the model fit, the quantile-based
posterior credible intervals can be drawn using
. A credible interval plot from
the worked example is below. This plots the credible intervals for all
parameters from the posterior draws of all the chains. We modify the
default setting for the outer credible interval to be 0.95 for
comparison with the output results from unm_summary()
. The
light blue circle in the middle of each parameter’s interval portrays
the posterior median. The bold, dark blue line displays the 50% credible
interval and the thin, blue line covers the 95% credible interval. For
simulation studies, where the true parameter values are known, calling
the argument true_params
will add a layer of light red
circles to each credible interval to illustrate the true value used to
generate the data. Here, the gamma and delta parameters do not have a
true value because we generated the unmeasured confounders \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) as independent normal/Bernoulli
random variables.